SalomónHuerta lives and works in Los Angeles. Born in 1965, in Tijuana, Mexico, andraised in Boyle Heights east of Downtown Los Angeles, he earned a BFA from theArt Center College of Design in 1991, and his MFA from the University ofCalifornia, Los Angeles, in 1998.
Huerta’swork has been exhibited nationally and internationally. Select solo exhibitionsinclude Mask, Patrick Painter Inc., Santa Monica, CA (2008); Portrait of aFriend, Patricia Faure Gallery, Los Angeles (2005); and New Paintings, GagosianGallery, London (2001). In addition, he has exhibited in a number of groupexhibitions, including A Strange New World, Tijuana and the Santa Monica Museumof Art (2007); Art on Paper, Weatherspoon Art Museum, Greensboro, NC (2002);and The Whitney Biennial at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York(2000).
Huerta’sworks are also included in the public collections of the Los Angeles CountyMuseum of Art; the Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego, CA; the Ulrich Museumof Art, Wichita, KS; and the Worcester Museum of Art, Worcester, MA. His workas been discussed in Art in America, Art Limited, Art News, The Los AngelesTimes, and The New York Times.Huerta is represented by Patrick Painter Inc., Santa Monica, CA.

DANIEL OLIVAS: When did youdecide that you would become an artist?
SALOMÓN HUERTA: I decided topursue my art, while attending Pasadena City College. I wasn't good at anythingelse, so I decided to become an artist. I eventually graduated from Art CenterCollege of Design in Pasadena, where I studied illustration and received myB.F.A. I also graduated from UCLA's Department of Art, where I received myM.F.A.
DO: Do you believethat your identity as a Chicano affects or shapes your role within society andthe art world?
SH: Born in Tijuanaand raised in East Los Angeles, I'm proud to be Mexican. My work deals withideas of contemporary culture.
DO: What artistshad the most influence on your art?
SH: John Valdez, LAStreetscapers and many European artists influenced me to become an artist.

Moreon Salomón Huerta and his art:
PatrickPainter Inc.
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