Even though I don't have all of the time in the world to do everything I want, I can at least look back and say I've done SOMETHING! That's better than nothing, right? I keep trying to tell myself that. Here's the random stuff we've been up to:
So check this out----I totally built that little kitchen with my bare hands! And a screwdriver. And an allen wrench. It was intense. I never want to do something like that again. It was one of those projects where I say to my honey, "Hey, honey--look what we can do together!" ..... silence ..... so as I said before, I did it all by myself. I might not be Mother-of-the-Year all of the time, but right now I am.
My Primary calling keeps me constantly busy. We had a special teacher's inservice meeting and I wanted to give them a "Little Bag of Tricks" for their classrooms. I had 2 teachers show up. ?!?!!!?? Most of them got my little gift anyway, but I was, indeed, a little miffed. Inside each file folder packet is: a beanbag with game ideas, fishing pole with magnet, a boy & girl puppet stick (for choosing helpers and such), and a quick glance lesson helper page.

These folders stay with each class, so if we get new teachers, they don't get to keep it. However, it's a fun little packet for those days when the kids need a little something fun to make classtime easier.I'll make some printables for you to download if you want them. I LOVE the beanbag games!!

More desert crusin'. We just...can't....get.....enough....
end of summer colors.....so pretty

Never, in all of my life growing up in the desert, have I ever seen a Gila Monster in the wild. (pronnounced hee-la) I was an idiot and didn't have my camera settings where they needed to be, so the 800 other pictures I have of this guy are a total blur. {doh!!!} Man, was I ticked.

County Fair - lovin' the chickens. County fairs are the best, right?! I want a cute little chicken coop with some little ladies of my own to take care of. They give me fresh eggs, and I give them a home with TLC. It's a dream...but not sure if it will ever happen. There is a 'no chicken' clause in the neighborhood where we want to build. ?!?! NOW what?! I'm totally bummed.
My little tornado continues to make life so very, very interesting and chaotic. I love her so much...and at the same time want to bash my head into a brick wall daily. I need to remember to keep the waterproof mascara put up higher.
Chillin' in Tombstone waiting for our amazing food. What a fun place to visit - and the drive was beautiful. Did I mention how good it is to be home?!
And...my heart is broken....because our adorable Sister Missionaries got transferred. They are some of the greatest friends I've ever had - I miss them terribly and it's only been a few days!! They even let the Primary kids dress them up during singing time and, as one could imagine, the kids thought this was hilaaaarious! We have two amazing choristers with some great ideas. So lucky.
Sister Chidester & Sister Farnsworth. Two Texas beauties.So much laughing, so many great visits.

Oh, how I love these girls!!!{don't forget to invite me to your weddings, ladies....I'll still be here....huddled in the corner.....mourning your absence.....}

And now...I'm sure everyone is getting ready for the Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas/Holiday festivities that start in October and snowball for the next 3 months! It's fun, busy, and exciting - all wrapped together. Kind of like fluffy hamsters on methamphetamines rolling around in a ball, right?! Just bouncing, running around, all cute. Okay, maybe that was a bad example. Happy Holidays, though!! Since it all starts in October, I figure it's totally acceptable to say that right now. {plus, I wanted to say it first before anyone else.}
Is anybody going to tackle the Advent Calendar this year?! It's not too late - GO FOR IT!! This is going to be my project during the Holiday insanity - think I can take this on?!

Happy Times!!Love to all of you!!
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