by Melinda Palacio
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Mary and Barnaby Conrad photo by Melinda Palacio |
Last year, we celebrated BarnabyConrad's 90th birthday, this year, we celebrate his life. If you've never heardof the famed author of the novel Matador or the founder of the Santa BarbaraWriters Conference, you've missed out on knowing a legendary storyteller whopassed away on last Tuesday in Carpinteria, 337 miles from his birthplace inSan Francisco.
I never had the opportunity to tellBarnaby about the Superior Grill on St. Charles Avenue in New Orleans thatboasted a framed poster of Manolete Por Bernabe Conrad. The poster is also anadvertisement for Falstaff Beer. He wouldn't have been surprised that a Mexicanrestaurant in New Orleans displayed a giant portrait of his book (the 1952 novelwas a worldwide hit, published in over 20 languages) or that his Manolete wasbeing used to promote Falstaff beer. As a former bar owner, he would haveappreciated the Superior Grill's hefty Margaritas. As the only Americanbullfighter to fight in Spain, Peru, and Mexico, Barnaby never lost his bravadoor sense of story.
Barnaby Conrad and Melinda Palacio |
The first time I attended the SantaBarbara Writers Conference, I knew there was something special about the weekof little sleep and much writing and listening. In 2001, I had this idea for anovel and little clue as to how to proceed. I signed up for the conference andsubmitted a writing sample. Barnaby wrote a letter to my character, Isola, andsuggested some workshops I might benefit from. Being someone who rarely followsorders, I decided I would attend Barnaby's class, instead of hisrecommendations. I heard wonderful passages from Karin Finell and Zoe Gharmaniand many others who I kept seeing year after year at the conference. The followingyear, Mary Conrad invited me to volunteer. She gave me the jobs of helping withregistration and making coffee for Shelly Lowenkopf's Pirate Workshop, whichbegan at 9pm and ended between 3am and 5am or until there was no one leftstanding (good thing the job only lasted a week).
Barnaby Conrad and Shelly Lowenkopf |
Later, when I interviewed Barnabyfor the Goleta Valley Voice, it all clicked and I understood what was sospecial about the Santa Barbara Writers Conference: Community. In his over 30 yearsof running the conference with his wife, Mary, Barnaby inspired severalgenerations of writers. "Writing is so lonely," Conrad said.
"Theywrite all year and most of them don't see other writers at all, certainly notfamous writers and published writers. And, here they feel the camaraderie andthey're also very surprised, I think at how friendly the famous writers are andhow they can actually talk to them."
Barnaby Conrad (April 30, 1923-February12, 2013)
Barnaby Conrad playing the piano at the Fess Parker Hotel in Santa Barbara |
This week, Bernabe, who nevercalled me by anything other than, guapa, would be proud that I amvisiting two historic cities in my role as published author.
First stop: Natchitoches, theoldest permanent settlement in the Louisiana purchase.
I will be speaking atNorthwestern State University in the Thomas D'Amato Reading Room in the WatsonLibrary on Tuesday February 19 at 5pm.
February 23, Saturday, also at 5pm,I will be reading at Lorelei Books in Vicksburg, Mississippi, 1103 WashingtonStreet, Vicksburg, MS, 601-634-8624.
Melinda Palacio is the author of Ocotillo Dreams and How Fire Is a Story, Waiting.
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