I share it with a reminder that this is just one family's idea.
Tim wrote the kids one or two "Proud Letters" each year. He would tell them some of the things they did to make him proud. He would have his computer remind him when it was time to write another one, and he'd usually mail them from work so the kids could get a letter in the mail. I like how these letters are truly from "Dad." If I had written them, they would be different, because my relationship with the kids differs from his.
Here are a few I found in Jack's room:
First Day of School, Sept 9, 2009:
Dear Jack,
On your first day of school this year, I wanted to take a minute and tell you how proud I am to be your father. There are many reasons why, but I thought I would share 3 recent examples of things you have done that make me proud.
I am proud of you for:
1) Taking the time to look after and entertain Lucy at the beach.
2) Working hard at Mrs. O'Shea's house, trimming bushes and pulling vines from the house, even though it meant you had less time to play with your friends.
3) Keeping calm when one of your friends insisted on playing with your special lego set and finding a solution without losing your cool.
I hope you have an exciting year in 5th grade.
Love, Dad
Jan 18, 2010
Dear Jack,
I'm so proud of you for trying basketball this year, especially because you had never played a real basketball game before. It takes real courage to try something new and not be afraild of making mistakes and maybe even looking or feeling uncomfortable as you learn new skills. Keep up the good work and great attitude!
And after a difficult first week or two, you have adapted quite nicely to haivng an expander and braces. I know they can be uncomfortable at times, but you will be very happy when you are older and have nice straight teeth to complement your beautiful smile. Finally, I wanted you to know that I have noticed how you have been holding the door open for other people. Keep it up! You never know when your act of kindness may be the only glimpse of God that someone might have in their day. Love, Dad
Dear Jack,
I am so thankful you are my son. I have a lot of fun playing catch with you, building puzzles, reading together, and playing games. And I love it when you express your views about things. You always have something interesting to say. I'm proud of you for many reasons. Recently, I have been proud of how independently you get ready for bed at night and ready to go to school in the morning. We don't even have to tell you to get ready-- you just do it! I am also proud of how you play with younger kids in the neighborhood like David, Amelia, and Ellie, and keep them entertained. You have a very caring heart and I love you very much.
Red, Yellow, Blue....I love you!
Hi Jack,
It has been a while since I wrote a letter to you. I wanted to let you know that I'm proud of you for so many reasons. For example, I am proud of the way you asked me for extra help with pop ups this spring. With a little extra practice you were soon catching everything I threw at you. Great job at taking the initiative to work on something that was difficult to do, making it become something that is now easy for you to do.
I'm also proud of the way that you set a good example for the younger boys on your team this fall. You helped teach them about good sportsmanship, aggressive base running and being in the right position for each play. I know your coach appreciated your veteran experience on the team. This summer at the beach I once again appreciated how you played with Lucy and kept her entertained.
More recently, I have been proud of your ability to ignore Margaret's comments, looks, jabs, etc. I know it's not always easy, but you are starting to show her who is in control of the situation-- and it's you! Only 90 more days until pitchers and catchers report for spring training.
Love you,

Thanks for coming by today! I hope you have a lovely weekend.
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