So, in going through folders of the kids' stuff last week, I found some more gems to share with you. One is a "song" written by 4 year old Jack. And by song, I mean non-rhyming stream of consciousness. And by "written," I mean sung to me as I furiously struggled to write it all down.
And, in his little preschool way of being on a roll and having my undivided attention, Jack went on for a good four pages. He riffs about God, the Bible, Adam and Eve, Jonah, hitting, and going potty. Wishing I could hear his little baby voice rocking out to this song, but I'm glad I have it written down.
I thought you would especially like the chorus,
"If you're lost, God can find you
If you're lost, God sure can!"
And some verses:
"Everyone as a heart inside you
So if you're lost
He never takes his eyes off you
When He's looking at you
He's looking at everyone in the world"
"So If you're lost, God can find you
If you're lost, God sure can!"
"I'm telling you the truth, I'm telling the truth again
So really God is looking at you the whole day long
He never takes his eyes off you
He is everywhere"
"If you're lost, God can find you
If you're lost, God sure can!"
"If you're up in Heaven, you'll never bump your head
fall down the stairs
or have to go potty again
But down here you have to do those things"
"And Still God can find you
Whenever you're lost God can really find you
He can see inside your heart
Try to make people with really small hearts really
do good instead of bad"
And a safety tip:
"If Jesus tells you to do something, he's telling you the right thing
but not anyone else
If someone tells you to get in his car, don't do it."
"If you're lost, God can find you
If you're lost, God sure can!"
We do believe that when Jack was lost in the water, God never took His eyes off of him. And if you are feeling lost, He can find you, too.
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