It's Christmas cookies with sprinkles! The original and amazingly adorable inspiration {found here} came from Nana & Co., whom I absolutely adore. {I liked her candy canes, too, but I didn't have the patience to make any} Everything this Goddess of Creativity does makes me swoon. Page, after page, after page of her blog is loaded with the most beautiful creations. I don't think she and I could ever be BFF's because she's just in a realm of creative awesomeness all her own. I would probably giggle too loud, play with my hair too much, pass some nervous gas, let out an awkward snort or something....it would be bad.
But anyhooo...

I love this happy, cheery, cookiefull garland.

I thought I saved a template...can't find it at the moment...I should have one somewhere...but it was created with Photoshop and, GET THIS, the cookie cutter tool. {funny, right?!} There's a shape in the cookie cutter tool box that is a scallop circle. So I just sized my circle & scallop circle on my piece of paper, printed it off on cardstock, cut them out, and traced my shapes on felt. So easy it's disgusting.
I'll go find my template so I can share it...
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