So....with my house clean, laundry running softly in the background, two little girls playing quietly, and some real peace and quiet in the house, it's the pefect recipe for: recipes. That's right. These recipe books are kind of like little friends, just waiting for a turn to be useful and please the family, and I never get time to just sit and drool, I mean look, at them. If my family knew what was good for them, they would FIND time for me to sit and drool, I mean look, at these cookbooks--they would be beneficiaries of not only a happy mommy, but some delish food. What is wrong with them?!
One of my prized posessions - a personal gift from my Sweetheart. Oh, how I love this book.And the Triple Chocolate Truffle Cake. I posted it here - but it's always fun for me to visit the actual recipe.
...mmmm....these cookies are a major winner, too....
...haven't made this cake yet...definitely going to have to do this soon.
...oh,'s so cold right now - maybe I want THIS instead...
Switching gears to some serious comfort food. I'm no longer a Martha fan...I became disenchanted with her years ago...but she/her staff continue to put out some amazing stuff. This book below has been my favorite for the past 12 years - it's timeless and wonderful.
This cookbook has been so loved, in fact, that I need another copy of it since this one is looking a bit grimy. {I can sense Martha wincing at this image...she would never let her book fall into disaray like this....}
Every recipe, every image conjures up homey comfort. Just what a good cookbook should do.
Our family's favorite soup--Summer Corn Chowder
Oh, some Boston Cream Pie. I could use a sliver...or two...or three right now.
Our all-time, award-winning favorite: Chicken Potpie. I've made this dish dozens upon dozens of times, changing it up a little, and even cheating sometimes...yet it always comes out amazing.
...friggin' DELISH...
Speaking of delish....!!! She's scrumptious!!

She also shares my love of cooking - and tasting.

Here's to a girl's weekend of peaceful splendor. And crepes. (they were mind-numbing good)

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