13 Şubat 2013 Çarşamba

Workshops at CABE (California Association For Bilingual Education)

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Chocolate“cacao” comida de los dioses2-14-13 12:30 PM -1:45 PMLong BeachConvention CenterRoom: 103A
El chocolate,tradición milenaria, y el recuerdo de una linda relación familiar con suabuelita, inspiraron a Mara Price a escribir  su libro El Chocolate de Abuelita/Grandma’s Chocolate (ArtePúblico Press/Piñata Books 2010). Originaria de México, Mara Price, autoragalardonada, discutirá su libro como herramienta para motivar a nuestros hijosa sentirse orgullosos de su herencia cultural.
Los Bloguitos:Lee y toca las estrellas2-14-133:45 PM- 5:00PMLong BeachConvention CenterRoom: 103A
Los Bloguitoses un blog para niños y niñas que hablan y leen español. Encontrarás cuentos,poesías, adivinanzas, dibujos y mucho más. Los Bloguitos ha sido visitado pormás de 150 países alrededor del mundo y La Asociación de Bibliotecas de losEstados Unidos lo ha seleccionado como un “Sitio fantástico para niños”. Loscolaboradores y escritores Amy Costales, Mara Price y René Colato Laínezmostrarán cómo usar el blog en casa y en el salón de clase. Vengan y tambiéndescubran cómo sus hijos y estudiantes pueden participar como escritores eilustradores en Los Bloguitos.
SelectingChildren’s Literature to Promote Self-Esteem and Cross-cultural Understanding2-15-132:00 PM -3:15 PMLong BeachConvention CenterRoom: 202A
Bilingualchildren’s author and teacher Amy Costales presents four principles forselecting children’s literature as well as teaching methods to aid studentsmake deep and meaningful connections as they read.
Writing andPublishing Children’s Books2-15-133:45 PM -5:00 PMLong BeachConvention CenterRoom: 202A
Have youwondered how to write and publish children’s books? Do you have great storiesthat can becomepicture books? Published children’s authors Mara Price, Amy Costales, James Luna, Jorge Argueta and René Colato Laínez  will conduct a panel about writingand publishing children’s stories. Come with many questions and write them downin the “SI SE PUEDE” box. The authors will answer all your questions and willinspire you to Stara your journey in the children’s book world.
TwoLanguages on My Tongue, Twice the Pleasure and Twice the Fun: Spanish forHeritage Speakers2-16-138:30 AM -9:45 AMLong BeachConvention CenterRoom: 203A
Amy Costaleswill present Spanish language development methodology to meet the needs of heritagespeakers. This presentation will also address linguistic variation inSpanish-speaking communities in the U.S. and around the world, as well asspecifically addressing Spanglish. Come learn how to help students broadentheir Spanish while validating the Spanish they already speak.
Food and theImmigration Experience2-16-1310:00 AM -11:15 AMLong BeachConvention CenterRoom: 203A
Children’sbook author, Jorge Argueta, will talk about food and immigrants - how food isthe connection to a faraway home and country. This is a magical subject. Peoplefrom all countries have sad, happy or angry memories about the kitchen, butmostly they are love stories about food. He will use books, Bean Soup / Sopa defrijoles, Arroz con leche / Rice Pudding and Guacamole to illustrate hismessage.
Authors René Colato Laínez, Amada Irma Perez, Jorge Argueta and Amy Costales at CABE 2012

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