Editor's Note: La Bloga receives this interview from Condor Book Tours, an entrepreneurial public relations firm specializing in virtual book tours and Latina Latino authors. Condor's currently representing Las Comadres Para Las Americas' book, Count on Me: Tales of Sisterhoods and Fierce Friendships. Las Comadres Para Las Americas, a 501(c)(3) organization is an informal internet-based group that meets monthly in many US cities to build connections and community with other Latinas.
I'm happy to join Condor and Las Comadres' virtual book tour widening the readership for a book about nurturing.
--Michael Sedano

Las Comadres Interviews Count On Me Author Lorraine López
Las Comadres: How you were first introduced to Las Comadres?
Lorraine: Well – my book, The Gifted Gabaldon Sisters, came out about, I want to say 4 to 5 years ago I’m not sure. And at the time it was selected as a Las Comadres/Borders pick. That’s how I first became aware of Las Comadres. The same thing happened when my second novel came out – The Realm of Hungry Spirits – so I was interviewed on the air by Las Comadres. They publicized the book and it was just a wonderful, wonderful opportunity for me. Since then, I’ve learned about the organization and have been wholly impressed. I especially admire how after Borders® went under, the organization found a way to continue without that support.
Las Comadres: Do you have any favorites in Count on Me?
Lorraine: oh, I love Carolina de Roberti’s piece, which I read again this morning – very moving piece, just… very powerful. Also, Esmeralda Santiago’s piece I admire and Stephanie Elizondo-Greist, who is a contributor for one collection of ours, another anthology. I know her work and I’ve read her books and I loved her piece. I love the humor in it, the wit.
Las Comadres: Is there a character in the book that you most identify with?
Lorraine: That’s hard to say. I think there’re bits and pieces. I think because Carolina’s piece is so fresh in my mind – I would have to say that impetus to finish a book for someone. That resonates with me. I’ve never done that but I can see the feeling behind that, I can really empathize strongly with that; that desire, that motivation.

Lorraine: I hope that they realize as the late Dr. Juan Bruce Novoa has said that this a great time to be a writer when we do have mentors, we do have people like Judith Ortiz Cofer, who are in a position to share their wisdom, share their resources, share pragmatic tips with this generation. This second generation and now even a third generation is emerging and so I hope that there is that recognition that yes, I need to avail myself of this resource of the wise women and men who have come before me and take advantage of this and to reach my potential through this help. There is nothing wrong or bad about it. It’s a great tradition, if fact. I hope that there’s that recognition that we are not alone. We are not alone as a Latina writer. You’re not alone. You have people who have found their way, established a path and you can rely on them. Whether it’s just by being in their physical presence- I was lucky enough to be in the physical presence of Judith Ortiz Cofer but you can also do this with books, by reading the works of pre-established writers who forged the way for us.
I hope that there is something that comes of this.
Las Comadres: Do you feel that there is a strong distinction and difference between saying that someone is a friend or saying someone is Comadre? And if so, how do you describe that distinction?
Lorraine: Comadre… The idea of Comadre, to me, suggests layers of mutual benefit; that symbiosis. Friendship is less layered. For me, friendship is… ‘yes, this is my friend. I enjoy this persons company’ but we are not beholden to one another in the way that comadrazgo does make one beholden to the other person. A friend might, for example- just a pragmatic example – a friend might send me an email. I am under no compunction to answer that for 24 hours. But, if my Comadre sends me an email, I need to answer it right away. If my Comadre calls, I always need to take that call. And it works the other way, too. We need to be…know that we can, as the book says, count on one another. There is that element of ‘yes, I depend on you and you depend on me’. We can be reliable to one another- we MUST be.
Las Comadres: What do you see as the reasons that a woman needs a Comadre in her life?
Lorraine: Wow! Well, first I would start with: Just for the purpose of having someone you trust and rely on. I think that is just the basic building block of human relationship that has depth and substance, knowing there is someone there you can trust and someone you can rely on.
Secondly – and I don’t want to say that men don’t need this as well but – I think relationships between men have been really firmly entrenched in professional systems and academic systems and we even have a name for it in the South, ‘The Good Ol’ Boys Club” and I think women have been locked out of that for a very long time. In fact, there is this big bru-ha-ha because the CEO of Yahoo! ® is now pregnant. The first pregnant woman to ever be a CEO of a major corporation and this is so exciting.
Okay, this is 2012 but we’re talking it’s taken so long. So it’s evidence that we are not where we should be; we are not represented as we should be. So, I think, for women this kind of relationship is even more important. In my life it has been integral to my success and to my professional advancement, for sure. That is stated plainly in my essay. I think we need help and we need to help each other because we have been disenfranchised, and we have been marginalized so this is critical, ‘critical’ as such a relationship is.
And third, I would say… it’s just plain fun to have Judith in my life. She’s smart, she’s funny and that goes with the element of trust. You can’t relax and joke with someone you cannot trust.
She’s coming to visit in February to give a reading at Vanderbilt and that is getting me through the semester already, which hasn’t started. Just the idea that she will be here soon, and I can laugh and I can relax and I can be with someone that I trust and love and admire.
Those are three reasons. I’m sure I could continue but… It’s a source – almost like refueling. You meet this person who has become an integral part of your life and when you see her you feel invigorated, re-energized – so I guess that’s number four, (laugh).
Las Comadres: What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Lorraine: Well, probably a negative thing. You know, I love my books. I always love my books and I love my writing. My ‘Homicide Survivors Picnic’ was a pen popular finalist and I got to go to D.C. That was a really wonderful day. I feel like that might be the zenith of my writing career and I'm glad to have had that and that’s great. It was also liberating, now I can feel ‘okay, I did that and now I can just write for me.’
So, that was pretty great but I think really, the best accomplishment, the thing I feel proudest about, apart from my children, I'm very proud of my children, is that when I was in a really bad situation, I didn’t do something terrible. I could have done something really, really terrible. I thought about doing something unspeakably terrible that would have changed me forever and I decided not to do it. I'm proud of that. I'm really, really proud at not doing the terrible thing.
Las Comadres: My last question is more like a fill in the blank… I am proud to be a Latina because: ______(fill in the blank).
Lorraine: Because this is the great time to be a Latina, and especially a great time to be a Latina writer. The world is just opening up for us in big and beautiful ways and I feel very lucky to be part of that.
About Lorraine López
Lorraine Lopez’ first book, Soy la Avon Lady, won the inaugural Miguel Marmól Prize. Her novel, Call Me Henri, was awarded the Paterson Prize, and her novel, The Gifted Gabaldón Sisters, was a 2008 Borders/Las Comadres Selection. Lorraine’s short story collection, Homicide Survivors Picnic, was reviewed in La Bloga and was a 2010 Finalist for the PEN/Faulkner Prize. She edited a collection of essays titled, An Angle of Vision. Her novel, The Realm of Hungry Spirits, was released in 2011. She has co-edited, with Blas Falconer, The Other Latin@. She teaches fiction writing at Vanderbilt University. Learn more about Lorraine at www.lorrainelopez.net
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December 2012 Floricanto to Begin Twelfthmonth
Arnoldo Garcia, Jabez W. Churchill, Tom Sheldon, Victor Avila, Elizabeth Cazessús
Launching the year's final month is December's first floricanto. This week, the moderators of the Facebook group Poets Responding to SB1070 Poetry of Resistance, nominate seven poems from five poets:
"La comuna de la lengua / The commune of the tongue" by Arnoldo Garcia
“Credo Particular / My Creed” by Jabez W. Churchill
“Petroglyphs” by Tom Sheldon
"Grail" by Victor Avila
“Desierto en fuga” por Elizabeth Cazessús
La comuna de la lengua | The commune of our tongue [extracts]
Arnoldo Garcia
a communion
of commotion
a commovement
of movements
who will revolutionize
the skin
of our languages
our tongues
as invisible
as transparent
as the most illegal of illegals
as the most undocumented of undocumented
as the most minority of minorities
as the most queer of the queer
as the most visible of the invisible
as the most remembered of the forgotten
as the lowest of the lowliest
as the most homeless among the homelandless
as the most human of humanityness
so when you put your words in the vibrating air
anyone can step into them
feel at home
transliterating freedoms
obliterating the muteness
making the world
into jagged pieces
that fit together in their crags and ragged tendernesses
disperses in orderly chaos
organizes in spontaneous spring-times, whatever the season
who dares make the commotion together
who dares make the movement different
who cares about tomorrow, the natural world
who cares about the land, the community
who cares about our bones, the wind
who dares the sun to return for the sixth time, the continents
who dares to stop time
and return to the starting place?
I am a human out of place
I am a human in a country no longer human
I am a human in every road, path, trail, a movement
Congealing, coalescing, germinating
on the magnetic waves of tenderness
on the gravitational fields of freedom
on the bare arms of a campesina
a commotion
a communition
a cosmomovement of neighbors.
I do not want a revolution of empleados
I want a revolution of emplumados.
No quiero una revolución de empleados
Quiero una revolución de emplumados.
Credo Particular
por Jabez W. Curchill
Creo en ambos dioses,
el Padre y la Santa Madre,
sin nombre
en el traqueteo de los otros
y en sus hijos danzarines
engendrados como hojas,
como luz,
de la misma substancia
discernible e inimaginable
a que todo tiene que sacudir.
Creo que somos encarnados
del mismo espiritu fotosintetico
sin jucio,
sin excepcion,
destinados todos a la salvación.
Pero no creo
que ninguna religión
o propio evangelio
se aproxime o se acerque
suficiente a la Creación
para que justifique criticar
menos condenar
o aliviarnos
de la responsibilidad particular
de florecer
y en el viento deleitar.
My Creed
by Jabez W. Curchill
I believe in both Gods,
the Father and the Holy Mother,
in the rattle of the rest,
and in their sons
and twirling daughters
begotten as leaves,
as light,
being of the same substance,
seen and unimagined,
to which all things must flutter.
I believe we are incarnate
with the same Spirit,
without judgement,
without exception.
All, destined for salvation.
But I don’t believe
that any church,
any religious doctrine,
approximates Creation,
comes close enough to justify opinion, less condemnation,
or relieve us
from our individual responsibility
to fully blossom,
revel in the wind.
©Tom Sheldon
Clues to the iconic ambiguity
appear like old vines
resting upon eroded hills
dug along the skirt of mesa
the poetic lore.....
tall tales and handed down songs
planted inside children
a shared realm
that live in stone still
faintly etched pictograms
so transparent one can look through
and see the world
Natural luminous things
like tracks in the snow
homecoming myths migrations
of stars ancient origins
of ragged mountains
in deer whose limbs
lie in latent flight
and the suns light
cast and reflected back
for Palestine
Victor Avila
A great weight rests on all our tongues
and the barbs around our hearts
makes us barricades of silence.
Tell me then, how can I speak to you
if it's not by shouting?
I shout at the hard sky,
I shout into the ear of a low hanging star.
I shout when my heart is withering like black fruit-
Or when other hearts become brutal hammers
of hate and venom.
A bitter knife carves obscenties into my tender stomach
and I want to shout to stones,
"Please, I am bleeding and my wound is great"-
but the stones are pitiless tonight.
So I scream until my voice is filled with hoarse sobs.
And I wait for the wound to heal-
I wait for the lost blood to become a great tree
which is heavy with fruit.
I wait for lost emeralds to be reset
in my God's sick crown.
I become a romantic with ten hands
but am not allowed to use one.
Ultimately, the barricades are not dismantled
and the barbs are not pulled free,
the weight is not suspended.
Tell me then, how can I speak to you
if it's not by shouting?
How can my Grail of Hope once again be filled?
Elizabeth Cazessús
Salir al camino sin saber a donde ir
-porque el saber no está en el mapa
si no más adentro de la aventura-
descubrir lo semejante,
la naturaleza salvaje, lo sagrado
desatender la ciudad que vas dejando atrás,
sorprenderte como un niño
ver los campos sembrados, palizadas,
osamentas de ballenas, anuncios extemporáneos,
largos terrenos de chamizos, palo verde y serpientes
extensiones que las nubes bañan de más allá
dunas en contraste con el mar y ese sentimiento al fondo
de arenas ensimismadas bajo la luz de sol.
hasta que la mirada abarca sabes que son tuyos.
Un solitario cactus a contraluz es todo lo que tienes
después de que has pasado por las ruinas
de otro cementerio de piedras
y edificios escarpados por el fracaso.
Tú, sigues ahÃ, con tu brazada extendida en el valle de los cirios
con su montaje improvisado y caminos espinosos
Todo lo que no verán más tus ojos porque en este instante
ya no estamos, ni somos lo que dijimos ser.
Seremos otros a contra canto de este aroma
del desierto en fuga.
"La comuna de la lengua | The commune of the tongue" by Arnoldo Garcia“Credo Particular / My Creed” by Jabez W. Churchill“Petroglyphs” by Tom Sheldon"Grail" by Victor Avila“Desierto en fuga” por Elizabeth Cazessús

http://www.twitter.com/arnoldogarcia C/S

SONG OF SEASONS, Small Poetry Press, 1996
CONTROLLED BURN, Small Poetry Press, 1996
SLEEPING WITH GHOSTS, Kulupi Press, 1999
THE VEIL, Kulupi Press, 2000
SANTA CLARA REVIEW, Spring/Summer 2002
americas review, 2003
languageandculture.net, chapbook series, 2005
FIRST LEAVES, Literary and Art Journal, 2009
Most currently, in laBloga, Poets Responding to SB1070
and THE ARTS UNITED SAN ANTONIO, May and August, 2012
Featured at the Summer Dream Poetry Festival in Vancouver, B.C. 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012. Cuba, 2000. Spain, Summer 1999.

BLOG: El palpitar de las letras, letronomo.blogspot.com
Es maestra de nivel primaria, egresada de Esc. Normal Benito Juárez.1978/1982.
Realizó Periodismo Cultural, 1983 a 1992 en Tijuana. Dirigió el sumplemento cultural Arrecife, de Sol de Tijuana.
Poeta performancera. Es autora de ocho libros de poesÃa: Ritual y canto,1994, Veinte “Apuntes antes de Dormir, 1995; Mujer de Sal, 2000; Huella en el agua, IMAC 2001; Casa del sueño, GÃglico ediciones, 2006; Razones de la dama infiel, GÃglico ediciones 2008; No es mentira este paraÃso, Colección ed,.Cecut/Conaculta.2009.
Enediana, Ed. Giglico, 2010.
Ha participado en varios encuentros internacionales de poesÃa:
Los Angeles California, 1991; Phoenix, Arizona, 2003; Mujeres poetas en el paÃs dela Nubes, Oaxaca, Oax.; 2000 y 2001; La Habana, Cuba, 2003, Chile PoesÃa Santiago de Chile, 2005; Poetas del Mundo Latino Morelia, Mich, México 2010; Puerto Rico, Ferias del Libros 2004 y 2007; Festival de Poesia, Puerto Rico,. 2011, Festival Latinoamericano de PoesÃa Cd. de Nueva York, Oct. 2012.
Ha participado presentando su obra. FIL de Guadalajara, No es mentira este paraÃso y Feria del Libro del Zócalo,Cd. de México D.F. 2010.
Obtuvo la beca del FONCA, 1998.
Ha obtenido los premios: Municipal de PoesÃa, en los Juegos Florales de Tijuana, 1992;
Premio de PoesÃa, Anita Pompa de Trujillo en Hermosillo, Sonora, 1995;
Su obra ha sido traducida a los idiomas inglés y al polaco.
Esta incluida en las siguientes antologÃas: “Across the Line”, Junction Press, San Diego Ca. 2003; “TrilogÃa de Poetas de Hispanoamérica: PÃcaras, MÃsticas y Rebeldes”, México D.F. 2004; Memoria del Encuentro Chile- PoesÃa, 2005; AntologÃa de PoesÃa Hispanoamericana, “El Rastro de las Mariposas”, Lima, Perú, 2006; AntologÃa de “Voces Sin Fronteras”, Montreal, Canadá, 2006; “Mujeres Poetas de México” (1945-1965), Atemporia, 2008; Revista, La Nueva Región de los poetas (Nowa Okolica Poetow), Varsovia, Polonia, 2008; San Diego Poetry Annual, Ca. E.U.A. 2008; Nectáfora, AntologÃa del Beso en la PoesÃa Mexicana, México, D.F. 2009, Antologia del Festival Latinoamericano de PoesÃa, CD. de Nueva York, 2012.
Ha realizado recitales poético/musicales haciendo montajes con su propia obra y de autores hispanoamericanos, titulados:
Ritual y Canto, 1995, “Veinte apuntes antes de dormir”, 1998, “Rosario Castellanos, mujer de muchas palabras”; “Voces Irreverentes, ” (Homenaje a Susana Chávez, poeta asesinada en CD. Juárez, 2010). “ Diosas de la PoesÃa Hispanoamericana”, Centro Cultural y Feria del Libro ,de Tijuana, 2011.
Acompañó alternadamente a Carlos MonsivaÃs, interpretando voces de la poesÃa de la popularidad, en la conferencia: Mamá Soy Paquito, Universidad de San Diego, 2009.
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