The San Patricios Brigade isone of my favorite topics in bars and classrooms. On St. Patrick's Days I'veasked bar patrons who were celebrating St. Pat's with beers if they knew aboutLa Brigada; in all of my years of polling, only one red-haired American everdid. The majority of the others didn't look pleased nor thank me for filling outtheir historical ignorance about an ignored period of their homeland's past.
And each Sept. in my primaryclassrooms I've introduced the history of the Irish immigrants who fought onthe side of Mexico in the War to Steal the SW from Underdeveloped Mexico. Itquickly made my students more historically aware than most Anglo American adults.About their own country's history. The children were always greatly affected,by the brutality perpetrated against those white immigrants and by theirsolidarity with their Mexican ancestors.
It doesn't seem ironic to methat Hispanic Hispanic Heritage Month in this country, officially celebratedfrom Sept 15-Oct.15. doesn'tcoincide with Mexico's annual recognition of The San Patricio Brigade earlierin Sept. It seems in keeping with typical American denial of dismal historical crimes.
After my reading/singing of myfantasy novel at the National Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque* will follow aspecial event. La Bloga haswritten before about this event that is greatly celebrated in Mexico and Ireland. In this past post two significant books were reviewed, Irish Soldiers of Mexico and Molly Malone and the San Patricios, that describe the events leading to thetorture, beatings, brandings and hangings of those Irish-American heroes. Youcan read additional background info from The Society for Irish Latin American.Studies, among others.
As important to read aboutand contemplate as Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, it's something every Americanshould know, not just those of us of Spanish-speaking heritage or seven-year-oldMexican immigrant children, or those in Ireland or Mexico. Below is the information from NHCC on theAlbuquerque commemoration:
El DÃa de los San Patricios

A lecture by UNM Professor Caleb Richardson, livemusic by Gerry Muissener and Chuy Martinez and a screening of The San Patricios: the Tragic Story of the St. Patrick’s Battalion, a videodocumentary by Mark Day will be offered to the public free of charge by theNational Hispanic Cultural Center in the Wells Fargo Auditorium on SaturdaySept. 29th at 4 PM.
Dr. Caleb Richardson is an expert on Irish,British, and European history and will give his perspective on the reasons forthe formation of the St. Patrick’s Battalion during the U.S.-Mexican War. GerryMuissener of the Irish American Society will perform live music as will ChuyMartinez of Los Trinos.
Commenting on the Mark Day film, historian HowardZinn said, “Absolutely enthralling. Dynamite material. It is a perfectexample of historical amnesia in America that this story is virtually unknownto every American. A superb job.” Howard Zinn author of A People’s History of the United States.For more information, call Greta Pullen at 505-724-4752 or Laura Bonar at 505-352-1236.
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* LaBloga-ero Rudy Ch.Garcia will do a reading & signing of his Chicano fantasy novel tomorrowSat. Sept. 29th at 2:00pm in the National Hispanic Cultural Center, 17014th St. SW, in Albuquerque. Please inform anyone in that area that you thinkmight be interested. The Closet of Discarded Dreams on salefor $16. (NHCC contact Greta Pullen 505-724-4752)
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