A message from Literary Agent Adriana Dominguez,
I am happy to send you this message to let you know that, with the help of former publisher of HarperCollins' Latino imprint and current CEO of Mamiverse Rene AlegrÃa's help, yesterday, we launched Mamiverse Books, the only site currently available to promote children's books and reading directly to Latina moms. Take a look: http://www.mamiverse.com/life/mamiverse-books/
This site is the culmination of many years of work in this area, and more than anything else, I hope that it will serve as a valuable resource for first and foremost Latino parents, as well as librarians, book store owners and educators looking for appropriate books for their children. While I do plan on reviewing some non-latino books that I think Latina moms should know about, the strongest emphasis will be placed on reviewing and promoting the work of Latino authors to what we hope will be a broad audience interested in YOUR books. Please join me in this effort by spreading the word in any way you can. Facebook, Tweet, Blog(a), or even that age-old medium email, would be great!
Thank you in advance for your support. Let's hope that this is just the beginning!
Abrazos,Adriana DomÃnguezFull Circle Literary www.fullcircleliterary.com
Here is the press release
National Pledge Drive for Family Commitment to Reading
NEW YORK (October 1st, 2012)--Mamiverse.com, the premiere website for Latina moms andfamilies, announced today the launch of a new book section, Mamiverse Books. The first non-trade oriented, yetcomprehensive digital resource for Latino parents wanting to know more aboutbooks that accurately reflect the U.S. Latino experience, Mamiverse Books creates a tool for parents whowant to foster the love of reading as a road to their children’s academicsuccess. Comprised of book reviews written by industry experts and librariansnationwide, MamiverseBooks will offer author interviews, features and more. Children’scategories will include Picture Books, Middle Grade Books, Young Adult Booksand Bilingual books.
In conjunction with the launch of Mamiverse Books, and tied toNational Book Month, Mamiverse.comalso announces MamiverseReads, an online pledge drive for Latino families that commitsthem to making reading and books a life-long priority. Families that pledgewill receive a formal document they can printout stating their new commitment,along with the latest book news and reviews.
Spearheading Mamiverse Books is renowned Latinochildren’s book expert, Adriana Dominguez.
“Studies have shown that reading paves the way for futureacademic success,” says Dominguez. “It is essential that we provide familieswith quality resources that specifically address the needs of Latino parentswho want direction on how to incorporate books and reading into their children’slives. The sooner children are exposed to books, and encouraged to read on aconsistent basis, the more likely it is that they will do well in school.”
“We arevery lucky to have Adriana lead this important initiative,” says Founder andCEO of Mamiverse.comRene Alegria. “Our aim is to make books and reading the basis for a life-longcommitment to goal-oriented success. Families who read together, achievetogether.”
Hispanic Children in Education, by the Numbers:
● One out of four babies born in the U.S.is Latino. (U.S. Census)(Adriana Dominguez is available for interviews)
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