23 Eylül 2012 Pazar

Thinking of Warmer Days

Don't get me wrong---this winter has been the most mild, wonderful winter I have ever experienced in my 8 years of living in Michigan.  {thank you, Nature! I love you!}  We have barely had any snow, which means my world hasn't been total gray blah-ness, the sun has popped out occasionally,  and the temperatures have been so mild.  No complaining here!

But I'm still dreaming of warmer days.
Sun dripping off of everything it touches.
Foliage. Warm nights.  Bare feet.  No bundling up.  Flip flops.  Skirts.  Eating grilled food on the deck.{these are all my photos, by the way.} Golden colors.  

You don't realize how much you miss 'golden' hues during a long, gray winter. 

Thank goodness for winter---it gives us such a greater appreciation for some of the little things in our world that we take for granted.And big things, too--like the SUN!
Cool evenings with crickets chirping in the back yard.Ice cream on the deck after the kids go to bed.
Warm mornings. Going for a walk while the sun comes up.
mmmmm....summer.  I can't wait to see you again, my friend!

Have a happy day!!

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