I always try to do a fun Valentine breakfast for the kids, you know, because I don't show them enough love during the rest of the year. I kind of save it all up for Valentine's Day. Don't we all? Especially for my 12-year-old boy--I hug and snuggle, kiss his face, and hug and snuggle him all morning long and I am 99.9% positive that the pre-adolecent boy enjoys this. Especiallly if he has a friend over.

Anyhooo--this morning's breakfast came straight from our dearly, dearly beloved Pioneer Woman sister, whom I do believe is another soul sister of mine. Someday, we're going to get together, my soul sisters and I - BFF Kadie, Paula Deen, The Pioneer Woman, Betty White, Madonna - no, wait, not her - definitely Cheri Oteri, though - and she'll be wearing the Spartan Cheerleader suit. Oh, and Jim Gaffigan. He will be there, too.

These were incredibly good. I served them with some cheesy scrambled eggs for a little protein to go with their dessert/breakfast. Delish!
FAVORITE JAM BARSoriginal recipe from The Pioneer Woman(I say 'favorite jam' because you can use ANY flavor of jam you want, as long as it's seedless.)
1 1/2 c. Flour
1 1/2 c. Oats
1 c. Brown sugar, packed
1 t. Baking powder
1/2 t. Salt
1 3/4 stick salted butter, cut into pieces
1 jar (10-12 oz) Preserves
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Mix all ingredients except preserves. Press half of the mixture into a buttered 8" square (or small rectangular) pan. Spread preserves. Sprinkle second half of mixture over the top and press down lightly.
Bake for 30-40 minutes or until lightly golden. Let cool completely, cut into squares.
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